• Customised Cute Hand-Drawn Character Portrait Drawing 个性化定制款手绘人物头像 $12.00$25.00

    For the best results, we recommend including memorable details such as clothing, hairstyle, and accessories to represent the person or pet. If there are specific action requests, please clarify them when submitting the photos.

    How to Order
    Step 1: Kindly provide 2-3 high-quality, front-facing and full photos to ensure we can accurately capture the details.
    Step 2: Provide your WhatsApp number for communication and confirmation of the drawing purposes.
    Step 3: Please allow 1-3 working days for the first draft portrait design (outline of the portrait) review.
    Step 4: After confirming the first draft portrait design, we will colour the portrait. Please note that no design changes are allowed at this stage.
    Step 5: Please allow 1-3 working days for the final review of the portrait design.
    Step 6: Once the design is approved, the portrait will be sent to you via WhatsApp or email in high resolution (PNG & JPEG).
    Step 7: Upon receipt, we kindly request you to leave a positive review for our service to earn extra reward points!

    步骤 01: 请提供2-3张高质量的正面照片或全身照片,以确保我们能够准确捕捉细节。
    步骤 02: 提供您的 WhatsApp 号码以便沟通。
    步骤 03: 请允许1-3个工作日进行肖像设计初稿(肖像线条轮廓)的设计。
    步骤 04: 确认肖像设计初稿后,我们将进行肖像上色。请注意,此阶段不允许进行任何设计更改。
    步骤 05: 请允许2-5个工作日进行肖像设计的最终设计。
    步骤 06: 确认肖像设计并通过后,我们会通过 WhatsApp 或电子邮件将高分辨率(PNG 和 JPEG)肖像发送给您。

    Please contact us via WhatsApp if you need urgent assistance.

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